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400 units GPRS modem successfully applied to reactive compensation control

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07 Th9
 Wireless communication technology, with its rapid development, has been a popular application in various industries of China. The first signaling and analog trunk of power system can no longer meet the needs of existing businesses. This requires to expand and innovate the existing electricity network, 2G/3G/4G wireless communication technology of communication field has been integrated with power industry, and established unique new power applications. Four-Faith products are widely used in reactive power compensation device remote monitoring field, has been installed a huge qty in pole compensation device and some local compensation of electrical equipment device of 10KV transmission line in Shan xi, Shan xi, Hubei and other places. The products are stable and reliable, low failure rate, uninterrupted operation, having been verified in various projects.


Reactive power compensation device installed can not only improve the quality of power supply, but also to achieve power saving. Four-Faith F2114 IP MODEM are using for the users to remote wireless monitoring reactive power compensation device, maintenance requirements, and save a lot of maintenance costs for the end user and improve efficiency.

Recently, our partner in Henan purchased 400 units F2114 IP MODEM for Henan power reactive compensation control application after long time testing.

By using Four-Faith F2114 IP MODEM can achieve remote data transmission, and to achieve networking management by multiple distributed sites monitoring. F2114 IP MODEM is bridge to connect the master and slave data transmission, the data collected from slave station transfer to master station via GPRS network, to achieve wireless long-distance data transmission.


In the reactive power compensation device application, Four-Faith F2114 IP MODEM is for master station to monitor the control device of slave station, read real time status information, history data, receive fault alarm signal.

Adapting GPRS network has the advantages of easy connection, scalability, low cost, less maintenance and so on.

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